Saturday, July 29, 2006

Je suis desolate!

I recently devoted a sizable portion of my spare time to le Tour de France, with its mysterious terminology, luscious landscapes and, of course, Gabriel Gate. In particular, I bought into the Floyd Landis story, the miracle turnaround of a sublime sportsman, one day down and out, the next showing a level of mental toughness that I found truly inspiring.

For this reason, the revelations of the last few days regarding accusations of drug taking have hit me pretty hard. Is it wrong that the naive side of me wants to believe that it is a freak hormonal imbalance? Wants to believe the reasoned arguments that testosterone is not a short-term stimulant?

Back to the drawing board I guess.

An initial rant

I've always said that the problem with having a split personality is that you need to maintain two blogs. This little baby is the ying to Peaceful Gathering's yang, the idle rant to its considered form, a place to vent my anger, disappointment, amazement, joy or any other undisciplined emotion my troubled pysche might stumble across in the darkness. Beware.